Pre-Workshop HW

I encourage everyone to bring laptops to the workshop. This way, you can follow along and get more familiar with the R interface in a setting where you can ask questions and get help with the basics.

Of course, you'll need to have R and RStudio installed on your machine.

  1. Start by downloading and installing R here.
  2. Then, get RSTudio here (just get the free one, of course).

After you get things installed, open RStudio. You'll need to install 2 packages for the workshop: dplyr and tidyr. There are two ways to do this:

  1. In the bottom-right panel in RStudio, click the “Packages” tab. Then, click the “Install” button and type “dplry, tidyr” (no quotes), check “install dependencies”, and then click “Install”.


  1. In the console panel (left side or bottom-left), enter the following code:

install.packages("dplyr", dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("tidyr", dependencies = TRUE)

You might see a lot of red text flash across your screen, but that's (probably) nothing to worry about.

If you have any trouble getting your machine set up, let me know before the workshop and I'll see what I can do to help you out.

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